Month of Love
February 14, 2017
Hello February! The month of love (insert all the cupid and arrows bs)…
Ok, I will admit Valentines Day is not my favorite holiday out there, regardless of my boyfriend status. I mean, things are over priced, you have to wait a hell of a long time to get your food (which is never ok) and if you don’t have a certain someone, this day can make you feel even more single than you already are. At the end of the day, nobody needs that kinda stress in their life….
But I will say, I love the idea of celebrating LOVE all month long (not just on the 14
th beauties). So whatever your status is: sexy and single or happily hitched, let’s celebrate how amazing we are and show ourselves and others a little self-love this month. Here’s a few of my fave things that always do the trick for me, and I will be adding to these in next weeks Weekly Root:
1. Drink wine and meditate! Yes, you read that right. I am not one for rules and when it comes to meditation, I am sure I break all the rules. I really just do my own thing. Now yes, I know the basics do’s and don’ts (
read them here) and having a basic understanding for what meditation can do for your mind, body and soul is great, but when it comes down to the actual practice of it, I think there's a lot of room to experiment. So yes, having a glass of vino, finding a nice relaxing spot and just taking a few deep breathes (and sips) to find your zen is a great way to do it. Now, I wouldn’t drink the entire bottle while trying to find your zen ( you may find yourself passed out on the floor) but it can be difficult to silence the mind and all the chatter inside our heads, so a glass helps. Plus, this is a great way if you are new to the whole meditating thing (which can be super intimidating), the wine will relax you, which will help you zen out.

2. Do something nice for someone else. This is just a no-brainer. When you reach out and make someone else smile or do a nice gesture for them, it will not only make that person feel great, it will also make you feel amazing. It could be simply tossing a card in the mail (you know I am a huge fan of snail mail and hand written letters/notes), buying a strangers coffee that is behind you at the coffee shop or giving someone a compliment. This doesn’t have to be an expensive to-do. It’s the thought that counts... the getting out of your own head and showing someone else love will give you some amazing energy and vibes babe.
3. Fuel your body with some good green grub! Crazy plant lady is at it again, I swear, this will always be on my list for really (how to fix) anything in life. Fuel your body with love vs. junk. That is the biggest self-love you can do for yourself (and others that you cook for) is nourish your body from the inside out with some hella good food. These truffles are on my list to make this weekend (I can’t wait) and they come from my sweet friend over at
Two Raspberries, Michele. Just click on the pic to get all the yummy deets:
4. Have a dance party in your underwear! Pour some bubbly, turn the music up and just dance it out. I swear booze and dancing can cure a crummy mood, even without the booze, dancing is just a great way to really boost your energy. Turn on your favorite jams and let go of all your inhibitions and in the words of Lady Gaga ~ "
Just dance, gonna be okay. Da da doo doo just dance spin that record babe, just dance"!5. Give back! Go and volunteer your time. I find this to be so therapeutic, especially if you find yourself doing things that are bringing down your vibe vs. raising it (hitting the bar every night, emotionally eating, or just trying to distance yourself from relationships). It doesn’t matter the reason behind volunteering, all that matters is that you are there and present. So find a cause close to your heart and go change some lives.

6. Your vibe attracts your tribe and YOU! Keep like-minded individuals around. Even though the world can be nasty at times, your inner circle shouldn't be. So do some spring cleaning this month and let go of relationships/things/etc. that only do more harm than good. Not everyone you meet is supposed to be in your life long-term. Which brings me to YOU, show gratitude for relationships and life experiences that have made you, you beauty. What you focus your energy on is usually what you get more of, so be freaking grateful for every single thing in your life- the good, the bad and even the ugly. And I said be grateful, not dwell on the coulda, woulda, shoulda (we all have them) of your life. So you lost your job ( you know the one that you hated anyways) use this as a stepping stone to go out and get that job or start that biz you always wanted to do. But let's get real, when sh*t happens it's completely normal to cry, yell, gotta get those feelings out, but dwelling on things that you wished would have gone this way or that way, doesn't get you anywhere. Acknowledge the situation, grieve if you need to (take a day or two or if you need a week, take a week), but then turn that negative energy into something positive and focus on all the good stuff happening around you and to you! It's true, your vibe affects everything in your life.
7. Crappy day? Well we all have them, but it’s kinda how we handle them that puts the universe into action. So call up your bestie and go sweat it out. Go for a walk, hit hot yoga, or spin class. There is nothing better than sweating it out to get your spirits up and bonus, your bod will look amazing! So before you dive head first into the box of oreos, put those workout clothes on and get that body moving!
Let’s make this the one fabulous month of LOVE! Embrace wherever you are at in your life. As long as you are livin' life and lovin' who you are, that is really all that matters. So throw on your ripped up jeans ( or leggings), your fave
Sun Lovin’ Roots tee and surround yourself with great company, every single day. And above all… don’t forget to celebrate YOU!
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