Start Your Mornings Off By Getting Your Lemon On!

September 23, 2015

 Benefits of warm lemon water


Beauties, the way you start off your day really matters. I know for a fact if I wake up late and don’t get a workout in before my day starts, I tend to feel sluggish, lazy and most of all, tend to reach for food choices that aren't the greatest for me,  which inevitably ruins my day. I am the type of person who has to start my day with a little me time in the mornings, so I typically will get up around 5am, and will either head to spin or a barre class, if I don't, my day is a bit on the messy side. But before I do anything in the morning, one of my staples is drinking warm lemon water. I don’t drink tons of caffeine, luckily for me that has never been my thing, so my beverages of choice are water, hot tea (really any kind), warm lemon H20, and one that I can’t forget and helps keep me sane…bubbly!

As you get to know me, you will find that I am a bit obsessed with lemons. I throw them in pretty much all my beverages ( I would like to have a vodka, water with 2 lemons please!) I use them for odds and ends around my home, and to keep my skin in check, when it acts a fool! So sorry, not sorry if you find me squeezing in lots of lemon posts, but it's crazy how this little piece of fruit can not only keep your digestion system in check, but can also keep you skin and house in glowing condition! ( more on that later)

So back to the, lemons keep your digestion system in check, thing. It's true, consuming warm lemon water first thing in the morning, is one of, if not the most, important thing you can do for yourself to get your day started off right. Who doesn't want to set themselves up for a happier, healthier day?

 Warm lemon water benefits

Before I do anything in the morning, I down a mug of warm lemon water to get my body moving. Not only is it a refreshing way to awaken your body, but drinking lemon water has major health benefits! Let's check them out:

1.Boosts you’re immune system 

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH
Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.
3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it’s easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.
4. Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.
 5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
6. Clears skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. You will see a difference with this one. Crazy I know, but I could tell just after a week of drinking lemon water!
The recipe is simple, coffee mug of warm water (just boil water over the stove like you would if you were making hot tea) with up to a half of freshly squeezed juice from a lemon (organic is best). I tend to put lemon water in my bottle water as well, to sip on throughout the’s very refreshing, plus helps keep my salty snack cravings to a minimum!
Trust me, you will feel amazing after adopting this simple, easy routine that helps boost your health from the inside out beauties.
Try it for a month, I guarantee you will see a difference and probably will look at mornings a bit differently too. Just take 10 minutes out of your morning routine to do this for yourself. If you tend to run a little on the frantic side in the mornings and find yourself with no time to make this at home, cut up lemons and place them in ziploc bags (food prep Sunday's) so that you can grab and go in the mornings. Once you get to your morning destination, grab some hot water there and voilà, warm lemon water!
If you are a coffee drinker, drink the warm lemon water prior to your coffee. Wait at least 10 minutes to give the lemon water time to do its magic, and if you still feel you need your coffee, then go ahead and have it. I have found over the years of working with clients, that their coffee intake is cut in half or in most cases, completely out of their life by implementing the lemon water into their morning routine. How awesome is that?!
Take it one step further and drink the lemon water and then do 30 minutes of your favorite cardio activity to really position yourself (mind and body) to have a fabulous start to your day!
I want to hear from you beauties! Tell me below how you get your day off to a happy and healthy start. Also, if you currently do the lemon water thing or are going to try it... tell me how you like it below!
Sun, Love and Cheers,

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