Smoothie Challenge + 7 Day Detox

Reset and Recharge with the 30 Day Smoothie Challenge. 

The Sun Lovin' smoothie challenge is for all levels. Maybe you are an avid smoothie drinker but are tired of the same old recipes. Maybe you have no idea on where to begin and are a smoothie newbie. Wherever you are at on your smoothie journey, the SLR 30 Day Smoothie Challenge will help you reset, replenish and recharge and get you going on the right ROOT! 

So here's the deal, you will make one smoothie a day for the next 30 days, which will replace either your breakfast, lunch or dinner. You get to choose what meal it replaces, whatever works best with your schedule. Along with your weekly, SLR original recipes, you will receive a complete grocery list for the week. I have taken all the guesswork out of it for you beauty.  

The last week we will actually take it one step further and do the Sun Lovin' Roots 7 Day Detox ... which you EAT yummy plant based food ( grocery list included)  but is designed to help you shake all those yucky sugar and crummy food cravings and will set you up to CRAVE the food that will leave you thriving and flourishing. 

The best part, you do what feels right for you over the next 30 days. This is for you to figure out what you love what you just don't really like and to see how easy it is to fill your body with food that will give you that glow from the inside out. You will get results, regardless if you drink your smoothie and then later that day eat pizza. You will feel your body and cravings changing one smoothie at a time. The point of this is to make small changes that will turn into a habit vs just a quick fix. 

So let's recap: 

You will receive your weekly recipes and full grocery list Friday prior to each week. 

You can do this challenge anytime, but the group challenge starts July 15th 

Weekly emails and will have unlimited email support throughout the challenge. 

Access to the private Sun Lovin' Tribers FB group

7 Day Detox - which is all plant based foods. Recipes and full grocery list included. You will kick those nasty food cravings, have more energy and lose a few lbs!

You can purchase the challenge with or without a tank. If you choose the tank option, you will be able to pick from all of our smoothie inspired designs + choose color and style of tank ( Willow Slouchy Tank or Mikey Muscle Tank)!

This is for you if you want to have more energy, kick some of those cravings and just want to overall feel better. Food is powerful, it can either fuel you with thriving nutrients or ultimately make you sick. You don't have to be a crazy health nut that never touches a burger or has a glass of wine again, um HELLO.. it's all about that balance. So let's do this babe, after all you are a gorgeous, super- nourished Sun Lovin' Beauty!


The recipes provided herein contain ingredients that may cause allergic reaction in some individuals. These recipes are suggestions only. Do not make a recipe that contains ingredients that you are allergic to. If you are unsure about a potential allergic reaction please consult your family physician. If you would like advice on how to replace certain ingredients feel free to email All material is property of Sun Lovin’ Roots. It is against the law to reproduce or share any of the content without permission.